Presentation Guidelines: There are no specific templates for your oral presentation. We kindly ask you to use a 16:9 format for your powerpoint presentation. Moreover, the duration of your presentation should not exceed 11 minutes. There will be a short Q&A session for each presentation.
Poster Guidelines: There are no specific templates for your poster presentation. The poster presentations will take place every day between 12:00 and 12:15 pm and the duration of a poster presentation should be 3 minutes. Generally, your poster has to be in DIN A0 vertical format (1189 mm × 841 mm | height × width). We offer to print your poster free of charge and prepare them at the exhibition site. In order to use this service, please submit your poster until latest 28th August to the email adress It is important that you send the document as a pdf file with the defined DIN A0 dimensions (1189 mm × 841 mm | height × width). Please note that it is the submitter's responsibility to ensure that the poster is correctly formatted. We cannot guarantee that incorrectly formatted posters will be printed.